
LATEST NEWS: Aided by some of our favourite tool suppliers who are very kindly helping to spread the word, interest in our woodworking courses is continuing to build nicely. Special thanks to the following woodworking tool and machinery companies for their support:
Tool Barn – a specialist tool shop with a range of second hand tools, power tools and light machinery.
Carba-Tec – “Tools for wood”.
Chevpac Machinery – “Machine tool specialists”.

Sessions are being offered where participants may hire the workshop space along with David to help and give instruction whilst in the workshop.
Duration: One day
Dates: Saturdays
Time: :9 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., each Saturday except on a public holiday.


Please vist the Courses page for information about other courses we plan to offer over the coming months. Equally, if you have any other ideas for course content, please Contact David to discuss your requirements   email     davidwmead@gmail.com.

David W. Mead

With a lifetime in the woodworking trade, including 16 years as professional teacher, establishing the Auckland School of Woodworking is the realisation of a long term dream of its principal, master craftsman David W. Mead.

David passionately believes there is a real value, to both the individual and society, in teaching traditional woodworking craftsmanship by the same disciplined methods he was taught in the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Each course will offer up to six students the opportunity to access and absorb David’s impressive wealth of woodworking knowledge, in the comfort and safety of his studio workshop in Onehunga, Auckland.

email:        davidwmead at gmail dot com